Wednesday, July 20, 2005


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Yesterday my favorite roommate and I talked all day long; and we did quite a bit of packing too. I usually love my conversations with M, but yesterday she saddened me.

You see, M has very different opinions on the world, which is fine, and makes for excellent conversation with more honesty than most of my friends will speak with. However, I often have to remind myself that she is still just 21, and has so much to learn. I think we could hardly be more different, but even that is ok. What really got to me is that she is now questioning everything she believes. I know that each person must go through this time, but to send her off to San Fran. with no support system while she already believes that religion is all just a political tool and that there is no real relationship with God, but all an imagined crutch. Yes, I did ask if she had been reading Marx again. The saddest part is that she is headed for a career that demands she not follow anyone else's path for her life. She has given up whatever she once believed about God, and chalked it up to the fact that it was a step taken in a culture of Christians during a difficult time in her life.

This all began because, as previously mentioned, we both watched Seven Years in Tibet ( which, of course, sparked a discussion of religion. I cannot understand how she will reconcile her different opinions short of becoming a true atheist, which is a religion all its own. It certainly would fit both her political aspirations as well as her unresolved issues from her past. She now stands with the crowd that espouse the impossibility of there ever being any absolute truth. I am by no means giving up, but I am just a trifle worried about her. I pray that someday she will know, completely know the Author of Truth, and be willing to discover what He has to say about her life.


Blogger Audrey said...

There are no atheists in the "trenches" which metaphorically, is where she's headed. She will find something to fill that deity void...let's just pray that it's the true answer.

2:57 PM  

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